Sunday 20 October 2013

Blogger App : Learnt how to add pictures!

Hello! Hope you're all doing well!

Been playing around with the blogger app (even though there isn't much to play around) BUT I FINALLY was able to find a way to add pictures. What's dumb of me is that it was quite obvious too -_-;;

There's a camera icon where you click on and select the photo in your gallery or to take a photo with the inbuilt camera and it uploads onto the server.

Now the problem I have is selecting the photo thats uploaded to add into the post as the post comes in 3 parts : Title, Post content, Labels.
Once you upload it, the image appears below the labels and giving detail of the image such as name and file size and a thumbnail. 
In order for me to add the image to the post content, I must type whatever I want to appear before the image and then publish the post and then go back and edit it. SUPERRR TROUBLESOME INDEED. And as of now, as I edit the text, I'm facing the alignment problem which is also annoying me >:
Another thing is the image size, it is WAYYY too big and I am not able to resize it.

EDIT: Turns out there is a way to resize the preview images in the blogpost. Had to go to blogger app settings and change the preview to medium rather than large. ><

I will continue to try figure things out but as of far, I feel the app limits alot of the features that the desktop would have. However for a basic all text post, I guess it's not so bad. 
But seriously all text post without any images or customisation is just boring to read, well to me at least. It takes quite alot of effort to even bold or italic texts =\

Anyway that's all for this post. Will try my best to see what I can do on the tablet. 
Until then, stay well & take care!

For the mean time, have this picture of my new kittens :3

1 comment:

  1. Your new kittens are so adorable ~ wish I had one.. :(

